Thursday, July 31, 2008

The REAL Pamela Anderson... and the glam TV version

Pamela Anderson has long held the enviable status of being one of the world's most desirable women.

But everyone has bad days, and yesterday the former Baywatch star went for a stroll in New York's Central Park with her 10-year-old son Dylan and a mystery man looking worn-out and uncharacteristically dowdy.

The 41-year-old may not have been looking her best but, proving she still knows how to accessorise, was carrying a designer bag.
Pamela Anderson

A tale of two Pamelas: Anderson looked tired during a visit to New York's Central Park (left) but was back to her glamorous best later that night (right)

However, just hours later and Pamela had undergone a complete turnaround.

Arriving to film an appearance on The David Letterman Show, the mother-of-two looked stunning in a tight white dress that showed off her best-known assets.

Earlier this month, Pamela enjoyed a two-hour stint on Australia's Big Brother reality TV show.
Pamela Anderson

Pamela looks like a typically tired mother in Central Park (left) but stepped out for an interview on David Letterman's chat show ever the professional (right)

Despite being paid a reported £245,000 for her guest appearance on the KFC-sponsored show, the star took part in a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) protest against the fast-food eatery just one day later.

Vegan animal rights campaigner Pamela took to the streets with fellow protesters demanding the fried chicken giants implement better guidelines for treating the birds.

She said she was unaware the chain was partially funding the reality show prior to signing up.
Pamela Anderson

Glowing: Pamela signed autographs for fans outside The David Letterman Show's studio in New York

Pamela Anderson

Day out: Pamela Anderson walked though Central Park with a mystery man while her son Dylan skateboarded nearby

Eva Longoria Parker makes uncharacteristic fashion faux-pas but still looks pretty in pink

She's revered as having an immaculate taste in fashion, but yesterday Eva Longoria Parker appeared to have an uncharacteristically off day on the wardrobe front.

The Desperate Housewives actress was accompanying her basketball star husband Tony to a barber shop in Los Angeles.

Wearing a peculiar combination of a bright pink dress and an off-white hat, the 33-year-old patiently waited while San Antonio Spurs star Tony had his head shaved.
Eva Longoria

Pretty in pink: But Eva Longoria Parker didn't look her usual stylish self

Nevertheless, Eva looked as typically beautiful and relaxed despite her colour coordination.

Just one day earlier, looking stylish in a sleek black dress and cadet cap she appeared to be channeling her friend Victoria Beckham

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Victoria won't mind that Eva has now copied her signature biker chic look.
Eva Longoria

Walk this way: Eva and husband Tony head out for a stroll following his barber's visit

Recently, heiress Paris Hilton was seen sporting much the same look.

And it's not just Victoria's wardrobe she has been studying, as earlier this week she unveiled her new 'Pob' - the Posh bob - hairstyle, after she chopped her glossy brunette locks for the shorter style.

Eva was seen in Hollywood after leaving a hair salon, where she had her eyebrows waxed.
Eva Longoria

Eva channelled her friend Victoria Beckham when she stepped out dressed all in black on Tuesday

Jennifer Garner shows off her baby bump for the first time as she checks out new family home

Pregnant Jennifer Garner and husband Ben Affleck checked up on the construction of their new home yesterday as they prepare for the arrival of their second child.

The Alias actress' budding bump was clearly on show as she surveyed the site in Brentwood, California, which they are rumoured to be moving into upon completion.
Jennifer Garner

Getting ready for baby: Jennifer Garner showed off her bump as she checked up on the construction of her new home in California yesterday

Jennifer, who already has a 2-year-old daughter Violet with Affleck, is believed to be more than five months pregnant.

Affleck's firm friend Kevin Smith, who also starred alongside Garner in Catch and Release, said the Hollywood pair make ideal parents.

He told People magazine: 'Jen is such a Martha Stewart type. She is a perfect mum.'
Jennifer Garner

Baby Bennifer: The couple are preparing for the arrival of their second child

And Ben is a great dad, which I found not that surprising, but it's a side of him that I never thought about before he became a dad.

'He's a great father. He loves that kid of his.'

Of juggling motherhood with her career, Garner says: 'My job is great to have as a mom. I get to take breaks and then work in a really concentrated way. During that concentrated time, it sucks, but whatever.'

Garner and Affleck started dating in July 2004 after splitting from Alias co-star Michael Vartan and Jennifer Lopez respectively.
Jennifer Garner

New home? The pair are rumoured to be moving into this house in Brentwood

Ketika Cinta Berlalu

Ketika cinta berlalu apa yang kita lakukan ??? Biasanya kebanyakan orang akan menangis, semakin terpuruk dan merana. Tapi apakah tindakan itu benar ??? Coba pikirkan lagi.Pasangan yang meninggalkan loe asyik dengan cintanya yang baru sementara loe malah terpuruk kejurang yang dalam. Masih berharap cinta itu bersemi lagi ??? Wah mending jangan pernah berharap untuk menyambung lagi cinta yang telah musnah ,karena ibarat gelas yang retak walaupun sudah diperbaiki tetap meninggalkan bekas. Apalagi kalau gelasnya udah pecah berantakan alias putusnya dengan suatu pertengkaran yang hebat, hal itu sama saja dengan memperbaiki gelas yang pecah berantakan , pasti penuh dengan goresan goresan yang tidak sedap dipandang mata.

Contoh ketika Syaiful Jamil dan Dewi Persik mencoba memperbaiki gelas cinta mereka yang telah hancur. Hubungan mereka tidak dapat berlangsung lama dan bahkan bubarnya lebih cepat dari yang diperkirakan banyak orang, begitu juga dengan gelas cinta Kristina . Karena cinta sama dengan gelas antik yang harus dijaga dengan hati-hati dan harus disimpan dalam satu lemari pajangan agar tetap indah dipandang mata. Lihat gelas antik cinta Sophan Sophian dan Widyawati gelas antik cinta mereka tetap indah dipandang mata karena mereka benar-benar menjaga gelas cinta mereka dalam satu lemari hati yang indah sampai maut memisahkan mereka. Nah artikel ini khusus bagi loe-loe yang gelas cintanya yang sudah hancur berantakan. Bagaimana mengatasi gelas cinta yang udah hancur itu ? Mari kita mulai satu- persatu

1. Introveksi diri
Kenapa cinta itu pergi ? Kita harus mengkaji ulang semua sebab dan alasan . Apakah karena loe yang terlalu posesif atau karena terlalu egois ,terlalu perfeksionis, dsb ? Setelah loe kaji dari situ loe bisa tau seluruh kekurangan yang ada pada hubungan cinta loe yang lalu. Untuk ke depannya usahakan tidak mengulanginya lagi pada cinta yang baru. Karena putusnya suatu hubungan pasti ada sebab yang membuat salah satu pasangan merasa tidak nyaman lagi. Sehingga ketika datang godaan yang lain sangat mudah bagi si dia berpaling dan meninggalkan kita .

2. Jangan menangis
Karena kalau loe menangis sama dengan loe tidak percaya diri. Dan selain itu berarti yang loe tangisi sebenarnya adalah diri loe sendiri. Karena arti dari tangisan itu adalah bahwa loe merasa sedih karena takut tidak ada lagi yang menyayangi , takut tidak ada lagi yang memanjakan, takut ditinggalkan olehnya,takut dengan kesendiran , dsb. Intinya yang loe tangisi itu adalah ketakutan yang ada dalam diri loe sendiri bukan untuk cinta loe. Kalau loe benar-benar mencintai dia biarkan dia bahagia dengan cintanya yang baru. Karena loe harus yakin bahwa jodoh telah ditakdirkan oleh Tuhan, mungkin dia memang bukan yang terbaik untuk loe.

3. Buat kegiatan positif yang menyibukan kita
Seperti olahraga , privat, keanggotaan suatu kelompok, dsb. Sehingga kita tidak berlarut-larut terbenam dalam kesedihan.

4. Sementara jangan menonton atau mendengar lagu yang melankolis
Karena itu akan semakin membuat kita terluka lebih dalam. Apalagi kalau lagu atau film yang makin mengingatkan kita akan si dia.

5. Buang semua kenangan atau barang yang bisa mengingatkan kita kepadanya
Singkirkan hal-hal yang bisa mengingatkan kita pada si dia . Seperti foto, kado ulang tahun dari dia, hadiah-hadiah lainnya,dan jauhi tempat-tempat kenangan bersamanya, dsb. Karena kalau tidak , loe selalu terfokus pada dirinya dan susah membuka diri untuk sebuah cinta yang baru.

6. Jangan sering berada dalam kesendirian
Karena dalam kesendirian pikiran kita pasti mengelana ke masa-masa saat bersamanya. Biasanya saat seperti ini pasti loe lagi berdua tapi sekarang malah sendiri . Hal inilah yang membuat loe semakin sedih dan semakin susah untuk melupakannya. Jadi carilah teman-teman lama loe atau buatlah sebanyak mungkin pergaulan baru.

7. Perbaiki penampilan loe agar cinta baru menghampiri
Sering orang setelah putus cinta kurang memperhatikan penampilannya. Dengan penampilan yang amburadul itu maka aura yang keluarpun tidak memancarkan kenyamanan bagi orang lain yang memandang. Jadi perbaiki dan jagalah terus penampilan loe.

8. Buka hati loe untuk sebuah cinta yang baru
Cobalah buka hati loe untuk menerima sebuah cinta yang baru karena kalau loe tidak mencoba kapan loe bisa tahu bahwa masih ada cinta yang lebih manis dari cinta yang lama ?

9. Jangan buru-buru unutk mendapatkan cinta yang baru
Setelah membuka hati untuk cinta yang baru janganlah terburu-buru dalam menentukan pilihan . Tetaplah menilai dengan objektif dan pakai feeling. Jangan main asal terima aja atau loe akan sakit sekali lagi.

10. Jangan ulangi kesalahan yang sama.
Jangan membuat kesalahan -kesalahan yang membuat cinta lama berlalu. Ingat loe telah mengintroveksi diri sebelumnya dan cobalah berusaha belajar dari kesalahan yang terjadi agar hubungan loe tidak berakhir seperti sebelumnya.

11. Jangan pernah membandingkan cinta yang baru dengan cinta yang lama
Semua orang punya kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing, dan rata-rata orang ngga suka dibanding bandingkan. Jadi cobalah menerima dia apa adanya. Walau dalam hati jangan pernah berfikir sekalipun untuk membandingkan cinta yang baru dengan cinta yang lama. Biarkan yang lalu hilang diterpa angin dan sambutlah cinta baru ini dengan suasana yang baru. Pupuk dan siram dengan benih cinta yang indah.

12. Jagalah cinta loe yang baru seperti menjaga sebuah gelas antik yang tetap menarik dipandang mata dan pajanglah dalam sebuah lemari hati yang indah.

13.Ajaklah pasangan baru loe untuk mengerti diri loe seutuhnya secara perlahan-lahan jangan dipaksakan dan cobalah mengerti dia juga.

14.Komunikasi, kepercayaan, dan kejujuran tolong benar-benar diterapkan pada cinta yang baru.

15.Tanamkanlah dalam diri loe tidak ada yang sempurna di dunia ini.
Jangan berharap loe akan mendapatkan yang sesuai dengan keinginan atau fantasi loe. Karena didunia ini ngga ada yang sempurna. Jadi siapapun yang menjadi pasangan loe cobalah menerimanya dengan hati besar. Rumput tetangga pasti lebih hijau. Itu sebuah pepatah yang bagus untuk loe ingat.

Mudah-mudahan setelah membaca artikel ini loe dapat sedikit menarik nafas lega, karena dunia memang belum kiamat kalau cinta lama berlalu.

Outrage as Britney Spears' toddler plays with cigarettes as smoking singer watches on

Britney Spears' parenting skills have come under fire yet again after photographs emerged showing the star smoking in front of her son as he plays with a packet of cigarettes.

The singer, branded 'Puff Mommy' by the American press, eventually takes the Marlboro Lights and a lighter from the two-year-old's hands, but continues to subject him to second-hand smoke.
Britney Spear

What a drag: Britney Spears puffs on a cigarette outside her Beverly Hills home as her son Sean Preston reaches for her packet of Marlboro Lights

Britney Spear

I wonder if mummy can see me now: The three-year-old begins to pull a cigarette out of the packet

Health experts have criticised Britney's 'shocking' behaviour, calling her a 'poor role model' for her children.

It comes a week after Britney officially agreed to give her ex-husband Kevin Federline sole custody of the couple's two sons, Sean Preston and Jayden, 1.

She is currently allowed two visits and one overnight per week in the settlement.
Britney Spear

Stepping in: Britney eventually takes the packet and lighter from her son

It is the latest in a string of high-profile parenting dramas for the 26-year-old.

In January this year, she was placed on lockdown for a mental evaluation after she locked herself in a room with Sean Preston at her LA home and refused to hand him over to Federline.

In February 2006, she was caught driving with Sean Preston on her lap with no seat belts and the following month she received a visit from child welfare officers when Sean Preston fell from his high chair, bruising his head.

That same year, she was photographed nearly dropping him while leaving a New York hotel.
Britney Spear

Vice: Britney has been branded 'Puff Mommy' by the American press

Leonardo DiCaprio's model lover cools off in a pink bikini on the French Riviera

All eyes were on Leonardo DiCaprio's girlfriend Bar Rafaeli as she showed off her model figure on St Tropez's beach yesterday.

The Israeli beauty, 23, showed off her stunning curves which have landed her modelling jobs with Ralph Lauren and Victoria's Secret.
Bar Rafaeli

Model figure: Bar Rafaeli strips down to her bikini as she prepares to cool down in the Med

Arriving at the French Riviera's seaside with a female friend, a hot and bothered Bar swiftly removed her floral jumpsuit.

It appeared the beauty was desperate to jump in the inviting water as quickly as possible as she performed a rapid strip before plunging into the refreshing sea.

Bar's golden tan was perfectly complemented by her hot pink bikini and aviator shades.

Bar Rafaeli

Model moment: Bar flicks her hair as if she's in a hair advert

Bar Rafaeli
Enjoying the view: Bar has plenty of male admirers as she enjoys her swim

Those unaware of Bar's celebrity status wouldn't be too hard pressed to guess her profession - as she arrived on the beach she swung her hair around shampoo ad-style.

Meanwhile, Bar's actor boyfriend Leonardo was nowhere to be seen.
Bar Rafaeli

Beach babe: Bar enjoys the cooling water of the Med

The actor has just finished a string of movies and is set to start filming Quentin Tarantino Inglorious Bastards alongside Brad Pitt later this year.

The couple have been dating since 2006 after the Titanic star ended his long-term relationship with supermodel Gisele Bundchen.
Bar Rafaeli

Wrapped up: On a date with Leonardo DiCaprio who she has been seeing since 2006

Mischa Barton gets frisky on the beach with her rocker boyfriend

Actress Mischa Barton certainly made the most of her time at the beach, as she canoodled with musician boyfriend Taylor Locke.

The star looked svelte in a colourful bikini, and sported a natural make-up free look as she spent the afternoon on Venice Beach, Los Angeles, kissing and cuddling dark-haired Locke, guitarist of rock band Rooney.

The pair have been dating since earlier this year, and it looks like they're going pretty steady.
Mischa Barton

Love on the beach: Mischa Barton makes her feelings for her musician boyfriend Taylor Locke pretty clear as they canoodle on LA's Venice Beach

Free-spirited Mischa recently spoke about her love life, telling the US edition of Marie Claire: 'I’m lucky to know you can have more than one soul mate in life.

'But, like a true actress, I’m always changing the way I feel about who I want to be. Nowadays, I feel I’m settling more into a woman and I’m understanding who I am.'

However, last year it seemed as though Mischa was struggling to put spoilt teen Marissa Cooper, who she played in teen drama The OC, behind her, after she was arrested for driving under the influence.

The actress was sentenced to three years probation and to complete a three-month course in alcohol education after pleading no contest to drink driving charges in April.
Mischa Barton

Beach babe: Mischa looks svelte and toned as she wore a colourful bikini on Venice Beach

Recalling the incident in the interview, Mischa admits she was shocked at her arrest, because it grouped her with other young Hollywood stars she would prefer not to be associated with.

She spoke out about the low period in the new issue of US Marie Claire: 'It was a low point in my life. I mean, the truth of the matter is, I was being irresponsible to begin with – I moved to LA and never got a license.

'I don’t know, it was just an awful low for me'.

She added: 'Even though, in a lot of ways, my upbringing has been quite liberal, something like that is embarrassing and appalling for my parents.

'It was a surreal experience and I was shocked at how much press it made but, the thing is, I apologised – and you have to just hope that that’s enough, because what else can you do? I’m just living life, and people make mistakes, you know'.
Mischa Barton

Does my bum look big in this: Mischa's boyfriend gets a little cheeky as he checks out her rear

Has Olympic hopeful Tom Daley found himself a diving 'belle'?

As a member of the Olympic team, he has more serious goals than your average 14-year-old.

But Tom Daley still has time to make a few schoolboy plans - such as one day, when he's older, marrying a good sport like his diving teammate Tonia Couch.

Tom has developed a firm friendship with the 19-year-old, who like him is from Plymouth.

Pictures below show the pair larking about in Beijing yesterday, letting off a little steam before the 2008 Games start next week.
Tonia Couch

Jokers: Tom Daly, 14, and his new friend Tonia Couch, 19, share a laugh poolside

Tonia Couch

And on his Facebook webpage he has posted a photo of them pouting in their Olympic kit.

On his Bebo webpage, Tom describes Miss Couch as one of his best friends.

He says of her and some other girls: 'Never want to lose you, your (sic) a bunch of lovely girls, and soo funny, if I could I would marry one of you.

'They are always there for me when i am feeling sad and they always make me laugh !! They are legends !! Love you girls !!!'

The Olympic diving team is settling in at the Chinese National Aquatic Centre, known as the Water Cube.
Tonia Couch

Kitted out: The pair show off their uniforms

Tom will be 14 years and 81 days old when he dives off the 10metre platform into the pool at the Games, making him the second youngest British Olympian.

One of our top hopes for a medal, he became the European champion in the 10metre platform event in Eindhoven in March.

Even if he doesn't win a medal this time, Tom has his eye firmly set on Gold at the 2012 Olympics.

On his Bebo webpage, the youngster, said: 'My ultimate goal in life is to win an Olympic Gold Medal In the men's 10m Platform event In the London 2012 Olympic Games !!'

Miss Couch - nicknamed Tonnikins - finished in the top ten in the 2007 World Championships and won bronze in the European Champions Cup 2006.

On her Bebo webpage, she has posted photos of herself in a short red flapper costume for a birthday party, and said she is happiest when with her boyfriend Chad, who is 'the best thing in the world'.
Tonia Couch

Poised: Tonia readies herself for a dive at practice

Tonia Couch

Tonia and a friend pose with a Union Jack in this picture taken from her Bebo website

Tonia Couch

Mulder and a very pregnant Scully reunite on the red carpet at The X Files film premiere

Their will they, won't they romance kept viewers guessing for years.

And as Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny reunited on the red carpet at the London premiere of The X Files: I Want To Believe, the two actors looked very close.

But there were some slight differences between the famous pairing - namely Gillian's bulging baby bump.

The pregnant actress, 39, is due to give birth to her third child later this year with partner businessman Mark Griffiths.
Gillian Anderson

Reunited: Mulder and Scully - actors David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson at the premiere for The X Files: I Want To Believe

David Duchovny

David Duchovny signs autographs at the London premiere in London's Leicester Square

The red-haired actress looked stunning in a halternecked black and white print maxi dress.

She was joined by a grizzled looking Duchovny, 48 next week, as the pair reunited for the big screen version of the hugely successful television series.

The pair will reprise their roles as FBI Special Agents Fox Mulder (Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Anderson) in the second movie spin-off from the cult hit TV series.
Gillian Anderson

The truth is in there: Gillian Anderson launches the second X Files film, and prepares for the birth of her third child

The paranormal X-Files movie continues after nine globally successful TV series, three Golden Globes, an Emmy and the first film - The X-Files in 1998, which made $187 million.

Duchovny, wearing a beige-coloured outfit, signed autographs and Anderson, wearing a flowing dress, waved at the crowd.

The pair spoke briefly outside the cinema in London's Leicester Square before going inside.
Mary Elizabeth

Starlets: Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Tudors actress Natalie Dormer provided the glamour at the premiere

Chantelle Hayes

Small brother: Chantelle Hayes of Big Brother and her escort for the evening arrived to bask in the spotlight

Created and executive produced by Chris Carter, the X-Files, which began in 1993, chronicles the lives and adventures of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, two dissimilar FBI agents assigned to investigate unsolved cases within the Bureau - cases which often involve the paranormal, the supernatural and the inexplicable.

The film also stars Billy Connolly, Amanda Peet and Xzibit.

It promises to take the complicated relationship between Mulder (Duchovny) and Scully (Anderson) in "unexpected directions".

The film is being released in the UK and Ireland on Friday.

Among the stars on the red carpet were Death Proof actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Tudors actress Natalie Dormer and McFly stars Harry Judd and Tom Fletcher.
Samantha and Amanda Marchant, and Tamara Ecclestone (right) and Petra Ecclestone

Girl power: Samantha and Amanda Marchant, and Tamara Ecclestone (right) and Petra Ecclestone pull out all the stops style wise

Leggy Kelly Brook flashes her famous pins AGAIN as she enjoys a summer day out

When Kelly Brook first leaped to fame, she quickly gained attention for her cleavage.

But as the Kent-born beauty attempts to establish herself as a serious actress, she's making sure the focus moves south to her fabulous long legs.

In recent weeks, the 28-year-old model-turned-actress has been flashing her slender pins in a series of short skirts.
Kelly Brook

Legs eleven: Kelly Brook shows off her pins in a short summer dress as she strolls down a London street yesterday

Spotted out enjoying the sun in London yesterday, Kelly gave her long legs the appearance of extra length with a pair of sky-high heels.

Days after wearing another colourful outfit at the polo, Kelly opted for a low-cut mustard floral summer dress for her solo trip to the capital.

Along with her handbag, Kelly was armed with a camera, perhaps preparing to get her own back at the paparazzi and take her own photos of them.

Despite the continued presence of her engagement ring on her wedding finger, Kelly hasn't been seen with on/off fiance Billy Zane for several weeks.

Kelly Brook

Legging it: Kelly Brook clutches a camera for her day out in London

While Kelly has had to remain in England to film her role as presenter on TV talent show Dirty Dancing: The Time Of Your Life, Billy has been in his native America filming his latest movie Magic Man alongside Bai Ling.

After splitting in April, it appeared the couple couldn't live without each other as they were spotted back together at the Cannes Film Festival in France two months later.

On Sunday, Kelly made a fashion faux pas when she teamed a floral jumpsuit and red gloves at the Cartier International Polo event in Windsor.

Despite her unusual choice of handwear, Kelly's short outfit guaranteed maximum paparazzi attention by flashing her long legs.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick put on a show of unity after affair claims

Sarah Jessica Parker and husband Matthew Broderick put up a united front on a night out in New York following allegations he had an affair with a 25-year-old woman.

The couple, who are rarely pictured together in public, emerged from a Midtown restaurant last night, Broderick's arm wrapped around his wife as they smiled at photographers.
Jessica Parker

United: Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick, who are rarely pictured together in public, at a New York restaurant last night

It's the first time the pair, who have been married for 11 years, have been seen together since a US magazine claimed he had a three month relationship with another woman while she was filming the Sex and the City movie.

It also follows fresh reports the couple have been 'living separate lives for some time'.

A source said that the 43-year-old actress had told a friend she and Broderick, 46, 'had been out of love for a long time but remain married for their son'.

Jessica Parker

Together: It's the first time the pair have been seen since it was claimed the actor had an affair with a 25-year-old

The source added: 'Sarah and Matthew have been struggling for years. Now they have decided to make things work - especially for the sake of their son, James.'

Another source defended the couple, saying: 'They have never had a conventional marriage, but it works for the two of them.

'Sure they fight like other couples but they love each other and their little boy. They are so private and hate all this silly gossip.'

Now Eva Longoria takes biker chic inspiration from pal Victoria Beckham

Actress Eva Longoria must be desperate for fashion tips, as the Desperate Housewives star appears to be taking plenty of inspiration from her friend Victoria Beckham.

As the 33-year-old actress stepped out in Hollywood wearing sunglasses and a black cadet cap, much like her former Spice Girl friend.
Eva Longoria

Copycat: Eva Longoria stepped out in Hollywood wearing a look which could have come straight from pal Victoria Beckham's wardrobe

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Victoria won't mind that Eva has now copied her signature biker chic look.

Recently, heiress Paris Hilton was seen sporting much the same look.

And it's not just Victoria's wardrobe she has been studying, as earlier this week she unveiled her new 'Pob' - the Posh bob - hairstyle, after she chopped her glossy brunette locks for the shorter style.

Eva was seen in Hollywood after leaving a hair salon, where she had her eyebrows waxed.
Eva Longoria

Dead ringers: Aviator glasses and biker caps make for a very Posh lookalike

Both she and Victoria's other Hollywood pal, Katie Holmes have copied Posh by chopping off their locks. But a source claimed Eva, who plays Gabrielle Soliz in the TV drama, has changed her look to look dowdy for a DH plot.

The source told Star magazine: 'Her character has let herself go. Gabrielle has gained weight and cut her hair.'

Eva, who is married to basketball player Tony Parker has recently denied reports she was pregnant with the couple's first child.

Tony said: 'She's not pregnant now if that's your question. I'm not thinking like that right now.'

Terrorist's daughter who grew up to be the face of a lingerie brand

The picture of her wielding a machine gun was one of the most infamous of the seventies, but now it is Patty Hearst's model daughter Lydia who is striking a memorable pose.

Newspaper heiress Patty became notorious after joining the American guerilla group that kidnapped her.

More than three decades later, her 23 year-old daughter has been named the face and body of lingerie designers Myla and appears in a series of provocative poses wearing satin and silk underwear.
Lydia Hearst

Model citizen: Lydia Hearst is the new face for lingerie giants, Myla

Lydia Hearst

Sitting pretty: Lydia was named Supermodel of the Year at the 'Fashion Oscars'

She started modeling four years ago and has since worked with leading photographers including Mario Testino and Mark Abrams.

In the past year her career has taken off most recently at the "Fashion Oscars", she was named "Supermodel of the Year".

Her ascent to stardom is a far cry from her mother's. In 1974, Patty Hearst then aged 19, was kidnapped by left-wing US guerrilla group the Symbionese Liberation Army from her family home in California.

Her captors initially demanded for the release of jailed members of their radical group, and later for the Hearst family to distribute £30 of food to every poor person in California.

Neither was carried out and Hearst later claimed that she was kept in a cupboard for months.

She shocked her family when she eventually joined the group and adopted the name Tania.

The image of her holding the gun caused controversy in the seventies. She was later arrested with other members of the SLA after a bank robbery.

Despite claiming that she was brainwashed, Hearst was sentenced to seven years in jail. President Jimmy Carter commuted her sentence after two years and later Bill Clinton eventually bestowed a presidential pardon.

Hearst later married her former bodyguard Bernard Shaw in 1979. The couple are still married and have two grown up daughters.

Initially she tried her hand as an actress but most recently has made her name as a dog-breeder.
Lydia Hearst

Seductive: Lydia Hearst strikes an alluring pose in lemon-coloured lingerie

The Hearst family name is one of the best known in the US. Her grandfather – press baron William Randolph - built up one of the largest magazine and newspaper businesses in the world.

He was caricatured by Orson Welles in classic film Citizen Kane. Her father Randolph was valued at $1.8 billion shortly before his death in 2001 at the age of 85.

Luxury lingerie brand Myla was founded in 1999 and is now worth in excess of £25 million.
Lydia Hearst

Seeing triple: Lydia Hearst shows off her assets from all angles with a strategically placed mirror

Lydia Hearst

Sleepy: Lydia Hearst lies back on a satin bed in the saucy red and black underwear ensemble

What if Bob Geldof, Vinnie Jones and Frankie Dettori could see you now, Claire King?

In her Emmerdale heyday, Claire King was famous for playing glamorous über bitch Kim Tate.

But nine years after leaving the Dales, it appears the 45-year-old actress was having an off-day from her usual sleek appearance after she was spotted in London yesterday.

Pulling an unflattering face, Claire looked a world away from the striking blonde who captured the attentions of famous men including Bob Geldof, Vinnie Jones and Frankie Dettori.
Claire King

Now and then: Claire King pulls a face as she walks through the wind in London yesterday - and (right) as Kim Tate in 1999

Despite being dressed to the nines in a skin-tight black mini dress and high heels, a scowling Claire clearly wasn't feeling as glamorous as her outfit.

The actress soon realised the impracticality of her outfit as she was spotted struggling with a suitcase and other bags on the central London street.

After attracting the attention of eligible males in the eighties, it appeared age is finally catching up with the actress.
Claire King

Skin-tight: King's tight-fitting outfit hugs her figure

Claire King

Squat walk: The actress appears to be struggling in her high heels

In her 2006 autobiography Confessions Of A Bad Girl, Claire caused a stir when she claimed she had an affair with Boomtown Rat Bob Geldof in the early 1980s, while his late wife Paula Yates was pregnant with Fifi Trixibelle.

Defending her colourful love life, King said, 'There have been many people in my life, some famous, some not so famous. It's not my fault that Bob Geldof happens to be one of the most high-profile celebrities in the world.

'To me he was always Geldof. I would have written about him whether he was famous or not. I'm not intending to cause any trouble - but I couldn't have left him out as he was one of the biggest loves of my life.'

In the book, the former Bad Girls star also kissed and told on jockey Frankie Dettori and actor Vinnie Jones.
Claire King

Former flames: Claire King's former lovers (L-R) Bob Geldof, Frankie Dettori and Vinnie Jones